
Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Only A Plane Ride Away!

So it’s definitely been a fair while since I wrote my last blog post and I can only apologise for my absence (if anyone actually reads this, that is!), but I’ve definitely have a good excuse! Quite a lot has changed over the last few weeks and my life has taken a complete change in direction.

After possibly the most stressful house move of my life, I've since left rainy old England, for the blue skies and sunshine of the Costa del Sol in Spain! Packing up the house was more than a strain in it's self and involved numerous trips to charity shops and donations to friends…I never realised quite how many clothes, shoes, home accessories and just quite simply junk, I’d accumulated over the years until the time came to pack it all up! 

My makeup collection was also more than due a good clear out. After rummaging through my drawers, I found about 6 empty mascaras alone, which I’d told myself I’d hold onto… just in case, Clinique decided to do the trade in old for new deal again (well that obviously didn’t happen!) It’s amazing how, just getting rid of a bit of junk can really help to both clear your mind and free up space in your house…it’s actually quite therapeutic. As well as this, there was the 3 hour car journey to Luton airport with a rather unusual taxi driver, luggage, a travel sick dog and much better behaved cat! Never again do I want to go through that, well at least not for a fair while anyway!

Below are a few snaps, I took this morning, while out for a walk with the dog. Spring is one of the prettiest times in Spain, when all the wild flowers are out and the grass is still green!


So on the 2nd May 2014 the long journey from Somerset, South West England to Spain began.  Now while many people would probably jump at the chance, to start a new life abroad I've definitely had mixed emotions about pushing the boundaries and moving away.  Not being able to speak a lot of Spanish myself, it’s definitely out of my comfort zone. I’d have to leave my childhood friends, job and hometown for something far less familiar and strange.  Nevertheless I figured that I’d give it a go and see what happens… I know that there’s a whole world out there that I’d like to explore and although it often feels nice to stay within your comfort zone, sometimes you just have to break away from the path and make your own trail.  For me, taking risks when you don’t know what to expect is pretty scary, but it’s those risks that give us a chance to develop and make a better life…who knows this could be the turning point in my life and the perfect opportunity to create an amazing future! (I'll have to keep you posted on that one). After all, it's only a plane ride away!